Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sucky Comics Sunday: July 30, 2017

Where should I begin with this piece of shit? It took a minute to realize the that the real joke here is that Marvin's dad underestimated the depth of the water, because I'm hung up on my initial thoughts that Marvin's dad instead wanted to HANG WITH THE BOYS, and that basketball players are too cool to tolerate Marvin's dad nerding it up around them all cramping their style. Or something. And don't you want to just punch Marvin in his fat, smug face in that last panel?

Speaking of the last panel, it's also infuriating because "players from our local basketball team" is a phrase that reminds me of those Tostitos or Budweiser commercials where people are partying with pennants that say "GO TEAM!" or "BEAT STATE!" on them. I'd say if your punchline is that clunky, just start over and rewrite the whole damn thing. I bet it would take tops, TOPS, seven minutes for a Marvin strip.

Marvin's mother doesn't care that her husband is drowning. That makes both of us, then.

Damnit, Beetle! Sarge is not your babysitter! Grrrrr! War is hell, ain't it? Can't the soldiers have a nice picnic without FUCKING it all up for their ranking officers?

I love this one because you can tell that Mort Walker pulled up an old strip from 1954 and spent his whole week editing out a walkie-talkie and replacing it with a smartphone in order to stay hip with the kids. And God bless him, he took his best guess at how one holds a phone. Looks like he was wrong.

It's comforting to know that, in 2017, Blondie is a comic strip still going strong by white men who are 140 years older than your grandparents. Here, Dagwood is dressed as if he's strolling home from a board meeting with the Magicians' Alliance. Too bad it's just another day of getting his balls busted by his old lady. Sheesh! Blondie's friend Tootsie apparently has nothing better to do than to throw shade around about Dagwood Bumstead, the most boring person on the planet.

Dagwood sucks at golf! Dagwood sucks at bowling! Surely the fellow Trump-supporters of the nation could relate with this! But hold your horses there, Blondie, you best not bring up Dagwood's tendency to buy second-hand tools! That one hit a nerve!

Nice punchline, by the way. What a twist! Fuck you, Blondie.

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