Thursday, December 9, 2010


If you are reading this then congratulations: you are now reading THE WORST BLOG EVER. The name is a placeholder and is subject to change (but not really). For the background I have a picture of SPACE. Why, you ask? Because SPACE IS AWESOME. Don't ask anymore questions.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Space is no longer the background since the move from Wordpress to Blogspot. Space is still awesome though)

Once upon a time when I was first starting college, 489 years ago, I kept a LiveJournal. It was mostly an outlet to ramble incoherently about Taco Bell and make Doug Funnie references (seriously), and there was a three month span where I actually updated every day. Every single damn day! My goal was to amuse the three or four people who read it regularly, but I can't imagine why they would waste their time reading my LiveJournal when there were a veritable menagerie of wonderful other websites out there such as "" with far more interesting content. Life is full of mysteries, I suppose.

Anyway, there was also a brief period after the LiveJournal era where I bought a real domain name that had only cost me $10 for an entire year. I used that to create a website where I rambled incoherently about Taco Bell and made even more Doug Funnie references (again, seriously). It was just as short-lived, probably for the best, since the two people who regularly visited the site got as sick of it as I had, most likely.

So after several years of not feeling like writing here I am, much to the displeasure of the general public, writing again. This time I hope my fan base teeters to the brink of double digits (WHICH MAY NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE I AM QUITE FOND OF CAPSLOCK AND PROFANITIES). To those that stick around, I hope you enjoy. As always, I try to make things interesting and not post stuff like "omg i have 2 get up @ 8 tommororrrrrrrrow adn it sucks b/c i get tired in th mornings i can;t beleive this my prof sucks so BAD i mean wtf" because, seriously, who wants to read that? You probably read enough of that on Facebook everyday anyway.

Who wants to go to the Honker Burger with me?

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