Thursday, May 10, 2012

Twitter Spotlight: Batch #1

I finally caught up with the rest of world in March and got myself a Twitter account. While I currently have 13 followers, 4 who probably actually DO actively follow me, the only thing Twitter has proven to me so far is how unpopular I truly am. My FRAGILE EGO is in shambles over this.

Twitter is still a fun place to post all sorts of inane shit that I come up with throughout the day that would otherwise annoy the Facebook crowd. I feel like you're encouraged to be annoying on Twitter, so I take full advantage of this by attempting to be funny. Constantly.

So if you're not following me on Twitter, don't worry. I'm backing up all of the good tweets I make so I can release them on my blog in 25-tweet batches like some sort of self-important pack rat. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. It's a lucky thing for you that I am indeed cool. :)

    Also, I'm starting to learn that if you're not using Twitter to hate the world then you're doing it wrong.
