Tuesday, May 8, 2012



Welcome to the completely remodeled blog of that one guy you know, what's his name? Tim Something? He spent a lot of time dragging every post, every update, every terribly put-together MSPaint image from the old Wordpress blog and moved it over to Blogspot. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a wonderful friendship, the kind where someone gets ignored and abandoned.

Check out that layout, isn't that snazzy as the dickens? Here, I'll post a picture of it. It's my blog and I can do what I want on it, including adding emoticons from 15-year-old internet forums when applicable.

So I feel that Blogspot gives me way more freedom to make a blog layout the way I want to make it, and to display the content I make in the way I want it to look. Not to knock Wordpress, but fuck Wordpress. I couldn't figure out how to make it SOMETHING ELSE OTHER THAN black text on a white background. Reading that kind of thing all day causes eye cancer and irritable bowels, you know. This was one of my many irrational problems with Wordpress, but let's put that in the past. We're moving on to bigger and better things now, my droogs.

Over on the left-hand column there are all of the categories you'll need to click through and find my content. I already have quite a few more ideas up my handsome Cedric Diggory from Twilight shirt sleeves, so I expect this left-hand column to be positively brimming with half-baked sections containing half-baked posts in the future.

So click around and enjoy. Tell your friends. Tell your parents. Tell your mail carrier. I'm sure he or she would love my work. Also, teach me how to make a lot of money really fast by doing this, all right? Deal? I'm looking forward to making tens of thousands of millions of tens of hundreds of dollars by blogging. Thanks!


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