Monday, February 7, 2011

A Journey Through the Incomprehensible Mess that is my "My Pictures" Folder

Back in the good ol' LiveJournal days of 2005, a time when LiveJournal hadn't been cool for 6 years, I made an entry about how I found some weird pictures saved on my computer. Even though my old laptop has been exhibiting a death rattle for quite some time now (quite literally, it sounds like it's chewing up pieces of itself and spitting it back out), I'm a nerdy packrat about the useless files I save on my computers. As a result, all the pictures I've saved on my computer since 2005 have been backed up on my external hard drive. Let me share with you, the "loyal" reader, a healthy batch of WTF pictures that I've made over the years. And yes, I didn't rip any of these off from somewhere else.

Ah, this is a good start. This obnoxious animation I made was the background image of my old LiveJournal. Keep in mind that I have never taken any psychoactive drugs in my life, but clearly I don't need to. If you stare at this image long enough you'll start to get a beat stuck in your head that doesn't even exist! Now that's trippy!


So way back in freshman year a buddy from high school was transferring over from Oakland University to MSU. I made a LiveJournal entry where I posted this map of MSU that I lovingly handcrafted and explained to him all the fantastic sights to be seen. I believe the area labelled with a 5 says "Bus Transaut Vafrt".

You know those Celebrity Look-Alike generators and how incredibly inaccurate they are? Every time you put in an actual celebrity you never get a match. But then again, maybe Uncle Joey from Full House does look exactly like Patrick Ewing, and I'm the stupid one here.

This appears to be a HILARIOUS graph that exemplifies, perhaps, my commitment to this blog entry I'm currently writing up! HA HA HA! I bet I can start my own hit xkcd-esque webcomic!

One of the greatest books ever written by one of the most fascinating minds of our time, Stephen Hawking takes you through an incredible journey involving black holes, dark matter, dark energy, black energy, and dark holes. As you can plainly see, my copy is well-worn.

Back when The Simpsons Movie came out in 2007 (which I have not seen nor do I plan on it) they had a promotional website where you could "Simpsonify" yourself. This is the one I made of myself!

More celebrity look-alike fun! Morpheus would be a cool guy to hang out with in real life, he'd be all like "What is this, whut, am I looking in a mirror here what's going on"

MODIFIED SEGWAY SCOOTERS, FUCK YES (ok, so this one I didn't make myself, but come on. Modified segway scooters.)

I posted this one back on the old LiveJournal, but it's too great to pass up again! Of course, no one knows who the hell Ken Jennings is anymore, but this is my vision of what it would be like if a ghost took over Jeopardy!

All right, I'm done here, go home.

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